Tuesday, July 29, 2008

First Team Meeting

Our first team meeting was last Thursday. We had about 20 people, which was great to see that God is getting people exciting about going or supporting our team. Not everyone was thinking they would come, some were just there to support us which was great!

We have team applications, which are due on August 7th in the church office. That's only about a week away, and we are only taking 10 people on the team. We hope that everyone else will still be a part of the team by joining us at our team meetings to pray and worship and fellowship. The dates are set - we are leaving the evening of October 31st and returning on November 9th. If you would like an application please e-mail me at loomtronic@gmail.com.

We are not completely sure what our agenda will be while in Haiti, a lot of that will depend on who applies and who God calls to go on this trip. Once we do figure that out, we will let you know.

Anyways, just wanted to put a little update on here, if you have questions feel free to e-mail me.

Monday, July 7, 2008


You can’t attach PDFs to blogs L  Anyways.  YEAH!  Haiti!  So exciting, we hope you can join us on the 24th!


Lucas Simmons



Attached is a brochure for this trip.  The info meeting is July 24th at 7pm in the fellowship hall.  Alicia and I are inviting everybody to come, but please know that space on this trip is extremely limited and please be praying for our team formation.  We invite you, whether you come or not, to worship, fellowship and pray with us.  Feel free to forward this on to others.


Here are some pictures from the trip Alicia and I just got back from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lucastheexperience/sets/72157605133107968/


Lucas Simmons