Thursday, April 2, 2009

Haiti April 2nd

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you wil find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seek finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened" - Matthew 7:7-8
Hi all, there is not much of an update today.  We are a bit closer to buying plane tickets, but only because another day has passed and we need to do it.  We are shooting for early next week, at least in my mind that would be the best time.  We will see.  We are talking with Susette about projects, I hope to have updates for all of you shortly on that.
ANDERSON is a strong and kind boy. He is healthy and an excellent, self-taught gymnast. He works almost everyday on his backflips, handstands, and other stunts. An excellent soccer player, he has no problem keeping up with the other boys playing soccer. Anderson occasionally struggles in school, but he is also one of the most diligent students, working regularly with the tutor. Shy and quiet, you will find him often in the background with a big smile on his face. Sometimes on weekends, he can be quite the cook. After dinner, you may find him cooking up another "dinner" or after dinner "treat." He also enjoys art and craft projects. Please pray that Anderson would grow in his young faith and learn to know how much Jesus loves him.
DSC_4032 by you.
CINDY is a precious little girl who has grown in so many ways since coming to Maison de Lumiere. She interacts well in school and is very smart. An active, healthy young girl, she loves to play on the swing set and with her dolls. All of the other girls act as her "big sisters" and love to watch over her. Please pray for Cindy as she continues to grow, that the Lord would heal her heart and she would come to know how much Jesus loves her.


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