Wednesday, April 15, 2009

today, tomorrow, etc.

in our small group we are reading this book called Simple Spirituality.  some of you are in this small group, but anyways this week there was a chapter on community that we should have all read.  I have to admit I got the cliffs notes version from Alicia but am reading a part I found intriguing which basically talks about this guys organization and how they made community more central to all their perceived ministry activities.  Personally, I am constantly thinking about what we are doing or supposed to be doing on this trip versus trying to start with being in community with all of you and let God work through that.  I think it's going to be a learning and growing experience just like I had many of those on the last trip we lead.  Anyways, I am very excited about this trip and to see what God has in store.  I am excited to get out of my comfort zone a little more and I hope you are too, especially if you haven't been to Haiti. 
Another reminder is that the remainder of your support funds are due tomorrow.  Please let us know where you are at with that. 
i will be sending you some more stuff today or tomorrow.
We will see you at 7pm tomorrow!  kim and kelly, you will be the snackimony people.  i believe i heard tale that kelly is making spaghetti and hot dogs, which is a traditional haitian meal at the orphanage.  we will also be having a special speaker which should be quite entertaining.  please try to be there right at 7 so we can leave on time.
GIBSON is Evans' younger brother and a very sweet child also. He grew up begging on the streets of Port-au-Prince and struggling to survive. Since arriving at the orphanage, Gibson and his brother have not stopped playing – almost as if they were trying to make up for lost time. He is also a quiet child, certainly not the voice you will hear above all the others, but you will notice his sweet and genuine demeanor right away. His mother works at the home as a cook and brings his youngest brother, Lickson, each day. Gibson is able to be with his family, grow together with them, and also be provided for and learn about Jesus. He loves his home and all his friends in the home. An excellent student, he consistently places in the top three places in his class; and more often the number one spot. His favorite subject in school is reading and his favorite thing to do at the home is to play soccer with the other boys his age. Please pray for Gibson's continued growth in the Lord.
MIKERLINE has had a very difficult life. When her mother's newest boyfriend at the time decided he did not want Mikerline and her sister Cherley living in the house, they were sent away. They lived with relatives who made them into family servants to earn their keep. Mikerline's entire life is one of being sent away to live with people who did not want her and would eventually throw her out. She and Cherley were homeless before they came to Maison de Lumiere where they were offered a safe refuge from the dangerous and abusive life they had known most of their lives. Mikerline is a quiet, soft spoken and mature young lady who desires to do what is right. She enjoys school and is a very good student. She is still learning about Jesus and the Bible. Please pray that she receives healing through her relationship with Jesus and that she grows in faith and love for him.
Thanks -

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