Saturday, April 4, 2009


For shame, I did not send out an e-mail yesterday.  Well looking at the plane tickets, we are either going to be flying Spirit or paying more than we thought.  We are hoping and praying Spirit works out. 
Don't forget we have another meeting this Thursday at 7pm sharp.  We are still working on the reading for this week, but just be thinking about community.  The different ways you get involved in a community and think about how God uses community. 
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.  25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.  - Hebrews 10:24-25

Clifford (Ti-John)
CLIFFORD (TI-JOHN) is a very shy child who loves music, sports and worship. He had a very difficult life growing up in Cite Sole, one of Haiti's poorest slums. Clifford and his older brother used to walk the streets of Port-au-Prince, wiping down cars and begging just to survive. Since coming to Maison de Lumiere, he is more confident and happier. He is one of our best athletes exceeding in basketball and soccer. Often wearing a set of headphones, he enjoys listening to worship music every chance he can. He also loves to sing and play drums. Please pray for Clifford, that God would continue healing his broken heart and that he would grow to be a solid man of God.
CHABINE is a very smart, friendly girl with definite leadership skills. One of six children, Chabine grew up in a small village near Cap-Haitian in northern Haiti. At a young age, her father went to the Dominican Republic and never returned. This devastated her and her family. When it became too difficult, Chabine, her mother, brother moved to Port-au-Prince looking for other opportunities. Even though this pained her mother, they all ended up begging on the streets to survive. Her mother was happy when Chabine was invited to live at Maison de Lumiere and no longer have to risk her life on the streets in Port-au-Prince. Today, she is happily living at the girls' home where people love and care for her. She especially loves school and writing is her favorite pastime. She wants to be a teacher one day. Please pray for Chabine's continued healing and for her faith to grow as she seeks to be a woman of God.

Lucas Simmons

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