Saturday, April 11, 2009

mete confiance ou na Jezi

Put your confidence in Jesus, yeah!
Just 3 weeks from now we will be there so exciting.
Please don't forget that this thursday we are having another meeting at 7pm.
Attached is a lesson the corresponds to part of the Creole CD I gave you.  I believe it is tracks 1-7.
christmasinhaiti-8823 by you.
DIENE came to us with his brother Ti-Bo from a very poor family who lived in the countryside. His father, a poor itinerant farmer, had recently lost his wife and was left to care for 9 children. The meager living he made growing corn on borrowed land could not support his family. He brought his sons, who were ill and malnourished, to the home out of desperation. Since coming to Maison de Lumiere, Diene and his brother are doing great and are very healthy. Diene loves the home and going to school. He gets along fantastically with all the boys. He also has a very tender, loving heart and always makes sure to watch out for his younger brother. Please pray for Diene as he grows into a man of God.
DSC_1150 by you.
ISGUERDA comes from a poor village in Northern Haiti and was begging on the streets of Port Au Prince before moving into Maison de Lumiere. She now loves living at the home. She loves the privilege of going to school and takes her studies very seriously. She especially likes math and excels in it. Isguerda has a soft, sweet spirit about her, and always has a smile. She is a leader amongst the girls. Her heart is full and grateful now that she has Jesus and His love; she is so thankful for what He has done for her and is growing in her knowledge of Him daily. Pray that her faith would continue to grow and her love for Jesus and her confidence of His love for her.

Lucas Simmons

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