Sunday, October 26, 2008

a few items

found @ REI that I thought were pretty cool. maybe you already know about them, especially if you are mimi & andrew haha.

these super absorbent towels that barely take up any room. definitely something to consider if you want some extra space because towels are super space hogs.
these are pretty cool but don't get tan (if you are a guy) or red (if you are a girl) because we might all match and that would be weird haha!: they even have matching shorts and pants, if you want to go that far haha.
also they have some sweet headlamps there for 20 bucks
we also bought some of the no rinse body wash/shampoo
and this stuff called campsuds, hopefully enough for everybody, that cleans pretty much anything

tomorrow, if you can make it, there is a prayer meeting at 7pm in the room we normally meet in at khc torrance.

look forward to friday, if you have ANY questions please don't hesitate to call.

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